
Underage drinking in Colorado can have serious consequences


Summer is fast approaching. School is coming to an end. Many teens and young adults in Colorado are ready to party and enjoy a few months of freedom. If that partying includes alcohol, they need to be careful because underage drinking and possession of alcohol can have serious consequences.  Colorado has a zero-tolerance policy for…

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Fight for your license after being arrested for a traffic offense


If you were recently arrested for a traffic-related offense, the fact that you might lose your license is probably not at the forefront of your mind. You may be more concerned about the criminal consequences than the administrative consequences at the moment, which is understandable. However, the administrative side of your case deserves your attention…

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Prosecutors, youth correction officials call to end youth detention


On any given day, approximately 48,000 juveniles in the U.S. are confined to youth correctional facilities as a result of juvenile or criminal justice involvement. The average cost per person is about $214,000 — a 44% increase since 2014. Yet youth incarceration is associated with poor outcomes, including harm to educational attainment, reduction in lifetime…

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Some psychological tests used in court are unscientific


You may have heard of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, or MMPI. This is a standardized test that is routinely used to help determine if someone is suffering from a diagnosable psychological problem. First developed in the 1940s, the test is widely considered to be scientifically valid. On the other end of the spectrum, you…

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Eyewitnesses are unreliable


After an arrest, you find yourself heading to court. The prosecution claims to have eyewitnesses from the scene of the crime. These witnesses say they saw you there and they think they can put you away for the alleged illegal activity. You know that the jury often listens to eyewitnesses, especially when they are impartial….

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